IT 104 | Beginning Powerpoint

Good Afternoon, Class!

Please download and print the IT 104 Class Outline. This is a sketch of all the work that is assigned and when it will be due in the class this term. Please follow it closely because I may not always remind what is due and when.

Also, you will need to setup your MyITLabs account using your registration code that you purchased with your class text book.

  1. Go to and press the “Click here to register” link underneath the login section on the right.
  2. Follow the steps, accepting the License User Agreement. Press “NEXT”.
  3. Select “NO”, indicating that you do not have a user account with MyITLabs (providing that you don’t with any other IT Class using MyITLabs).
  4. Carefully enter your Access Code
  5. Complete the registration, selecting a username and a password.
  6. You will need to enroll in my class and for that, you will need this course code: CRSABUW-456357


IT 103 | Beginning Database Management

Good Afternoon, Charles!

Please download and print the IT 103 Database Management Course Outline This is a sketch of all the work that is assigned and when it will be due in the class this term. Please follow it closely because I may not always remind what is due and when.

Also, you will need to setup your MyITLabs account using your registration code that you purchased with your class text book.

  1. Go to and press the “Click here to register” link underneath the login section on the right.
  2. Follow the steps, accepting the License User Agreement. Press “NEXT”.
  3. Select “NO”, indicating that you do not have a user account with MyITLabs (providing that you don’t with any other IT Class using MyITLabs).
  4. Carefully enter your Access Code
  5. Complete the registration, selecting a username and a password.
  6. You will need to enroll in my class and for that, you will need this course code: CRSABX4-236637


IT 100 | Why Computers Matter

Discover the Possibilities

Good morning, class! Today, we are going to try to understand how widespread the impact of technology has been felt. We will see how every career field has been dramatically influenced by advancing computer technology and how you as a savvy user can benefit from being a skilled and knowledgeable computer operator.

Looking forward to this class with you all! By the way, don’t forget to be ready for a quiz over chapter 1 when I return to class on next Monday!

Homework Assignment

  1. Read all of Chapter 1 and complete the self test portion at the end of the chapter in preparation for a quiz.
  2. Send an email to consisting of a 500 word summary/analysis of your response to chapter 1. Let me know your thoughts regarding specific content that is contained in the textbook chapter. What was the most interesting to you? How has technology affected your career field? Spend some time explaining your impression of the growing role of technology in our world today. In the subject line, indicate your full name, IT100, and “Homework #1”.
  3. Watch the video embedded in this post. It contains 10 future technologies that exist now. In a word processor (like Word or Notepad), write about the technologies that have impacted your life today – that you use on a daily basis, and what you predict the world might be like for your children and grandchildren growing up in the next 25 years. Write a paragraph of 500 words, using standard formal English (i.e. correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar), and print out to submit in class on next Monday.

OT 101 | Getting Started with GDP

Greetings all OT 101 students!

Today, if you have not done so already, you will need to set up GDP and register as a new user using your registration code that you purchased with your text. Please see the previous OT 101 post for specific instructions on how to complete the GDP setup step by step.

Once you are successfully logged in, you may begin carefully working on Lesson 1. Be sure to COMPLETE every activity listed in the left pane of GDP window. A check mark will appear next to the page indicating that you have successfully completed all the necessary items on that activity.

You may continue work through Lesson 4. If you have any questions, you may email me or text me. Please be sure to clearly explain your specific problem, so I can give you the help that you requested.